
Tree Planting at the Gunny on Canvey

On 19th December, Rebecca attended the first tree planting workshop that took place at the Gunny in Canvey Island. Despite the wet weather conditions, the teams from Trust Links, Canvey Big Local and all other attendees did a fantastic job.

Rebecca Harris meets with Guide Dogs UK charity

Rebecca met with guide dog owners and other partially sighted people, in Parliament this month.  She discussed with them the many challenges that partially sighted people face, especially the problems caused by inconsiderate pavement parking.

Rebecca Harris MP Supports Home Office Reforms To Cut Net Migration

Yesterday, the Conservative Government outlined plans to deliver the biggest ever cut to net migration, meaning 300,000 people who came to the UK last year would now not be able to come – taking radical action to curb abuse of the immigration system and put the British people in control of who co